Beta Invites: Evernote, SocialThing, Brightkite…

i’ve got a handful of beta invites for Evernote, SocialThing, Brightkite to pass around. Please leave a comment with whatever beta invite you want and i’ll send it along.

25 Replies to “Beta Invites: Evernote, SocialThing, Brightkite…”

  1. I’d like an invite to all three in order to further promote our podcast. Thanks!

  2. I search on the web since few weeks an invites of Soocial, Have you that ?

    Good night.

  3. Thanks,, i have receive your invites, but, you want an invites of orgoo or not ?

  4. Hello,
    I’am an french man, I’d love a Evernote and Brightkite invites.

    I can share some invite of because i have it.

    Thanks 🙂

  5. any chance you still have some brightkite invitations? redgell at gmail dot kom

  6. Hi, I’d appreciate a Social Thing invite – my email is going in the ’email’ field!

  7. I guess it doesn’t go without saying that you’d need to include your e-mail address with the comment or leave it in your comment for me to know where to send the invite. Cheers.

  8. Hi there…

    I read a lot about Brightkite lately and I am very excited about it.
    If you have any invites left, I would appreciate it to get one 🙂

    Best regards,

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