How to Opt-Out of Appearing in Facebook Ads

facebook appearance sidebar adsA couple months ago I was put off after seeing a friend in a sidebar ad on Facebook and realizing that I likely appeared on the sidebar of my friend’s Facebooks without my knowing.

At left, you’ll see Tom Lewis aka TomDog purporting to endorse a Facebook App. Sure, he probably is a “fan” of the app but I doubt he realizes that his image is being used in this manner on his friends’ sidebar.

There IS a way to opt out of your likeness being used in this paid ads for Facebook Apps, although it is not entirely easy to find the opt-out page.

Log-in to Facebook, go to “privacy” at the top right, click “News Feed and Mini-Feed,” then select the “Social Ads” tab within the module and change “Appearance in Social Ads” to No One. Screenshot below. Anyone else have issues with this?

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