Happy RSS Day!

RSS Awareness Day

It’s RSS awareness day. I’m a huge fan of RSS and began subscribing to feeds about five years ago when I was weaning myself off of traditional newsgroups via XNews. I first used Outlook Express, and later Thunderbird for RSS. For a little while I dug Newsgator and later NetNewsWire (which was later acquired by Newsgator). But for the past couple years it’s been strictly Google Reader (screenshot below), which I can also access on my mobile (via http://www.google.com/reader/m/).

What do you use?

An opml file of the feeds I follow is embedded on my site right here. You can expand each tab infinitely to skim the content, or just download the opml for yourself and go nuts. I recently added this opml to Toluu as well.

Subscribe to an rss feed of this blog or to my friendfeed rss if you really want to see what i’ve been up to on the internets.

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