President Obama in the OC: Costa Mesa Town Hall Video + Q and A Audio

President Barack Obama at Costa Mesa Town Hall

Tomorrow Obama will be in Los Angeles where we expect him to further address California’s Economic situation — Gov Schwarzenegger will be present as well.

Photos from the OC Register

Below is the audio of the question and answer section of the Town Hall, courtesy PBS Newshour:

Click here for the transcript or read below.

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WATCH: President Obama’s First Speech to Congress

Tonight, President Obama delivered his first speech before the joint Congress — dubbed that State of the Nation, it sounded positively like a State of the Union address — with at least 50 breaks for applause (presidents generally don’t give an SOTU address their first year in office). Only five weeks after taking office, the U.S. economy has continued to spiral into the ground and Obama — whose cabinet is still not complete — addressed both houses of Congress with a somber (while somehow uplifting) 52-minute speech

MSNBC once again allowed embedding of their live coverage of President Obama. You can even clip and embed selected segments of the full speech, Hulu-style. The highest quality live video stream seemed to be the one fed through the official White House site,

Facebook reprised its collaboration with CNN’s live coverage via and on Twitter, the hashtag to search for commentary is #nSOTU.

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