Google Goes Open Source & CC for Radiohead’s ‘House of Cards’

Google is hosting open source and Creative Commons-licensed code for everyone to remix Radiohead’s latest video from In Rainbows, “House of Cards.”

“In Radiohead’s new video for ‘House of Cards,’ no cameras or lights were used. Instead, 3D plotting technologies collected information about the shapes and relative distances of objects,” according to the band’s YouTube channel.

After hearing about Radiohead’s first-of-its kind video, Google:

[A]greed with the band that it would be great to give you a deeper look into how all of this was done, and even a chance to play with the data yourself, under a license that allows remixing… You can view the video, watch a short documentary about how it was made, interact with the video in 3D, download some of the data, and download an iGoogle theme and gadget – all at

Radiohead – ‘House of Cards’

Watch The Making of ‘House of Cards” below:
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Radiohead Says: ‘Remix Me’

Flip over a new page in Radiohead’s innovative In Rainbows adventure. Welcome the Radiohead Remix Web site, where anyone and everyone is invited to mashup, remix, and geek out “Nude,” the second single from the album.

It’s not exactly a Creative Commons take me and rape me scenario, like the fully remixable tracks on Nine Inch Nails’ Ghost but it is cool…. even if it involves an elaborate partnership with Apple:

If you purchase all five ‘stems’ from iTunes during the first week they’re available, you’ll be sent an access code to a GarageBand file ready to open in GarageBand or Logic. However, you don’t need GarageBand to do a remix, all the stems are in iTunes Plus format and compatible with several music software platforms.

Fans vote for their favorite remixes but I can’t seem to listen successfully in Firefox. Interesting promotion Radiohead… or is it… Apple?

UPDATE: Lx7 gives further analysis of the restrictive Terms underlying this “contest.” Ouch.

h/t LAT Soundboard

SF Outside Lands Fest: Too Good to Pass Up?


I originally felt that I couldn’t handle being in one corner of Golden Gate Park even if Jack Johnson was playing on another, but now that more of the artist lineup has been announced for this August’s Outside Lands Festival, the temptation is killing me. Early-bird tix are available now via Radiohead HQ.

When they said that Lollapalooza-type festivals would be criss-crossing the country eating each other up, they weren’t kidding. But what could be better than an August weekend in Golden Gate Park with the music accoutrements of (for starters):
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New Radiohead: Pay What You Want

Another stroke of brilliance from Radiohead is on the way… and in possibly their most genius move yet, it is being released independently by the band — that’s right, sans label, and one would assume sans DRM as well. The download can be pre-ordered for _.__ — or whatever you decide you want to pay! More genius, the CD will not be available until December, but the digital download releases October 10 — in ten days!

Radiohead — In Rainbows.