Tweet Cloud: What do you Twitter?

The new Tweetcloud generator at is, quick, sharp, and telling, not to be confused with less-extensive tools of yesteryear. All the more reason to think while you tweet (and vice versa). If you don’t follow me on Twitter, you have no idea what you’re missing perhaps you’ve enjoyed the relative silence here at Curious?

Below is my Tweetcloud for the past year — the larger the word the more I’ve tweeted it between December 2008 and 11/30/09. My top 5 words were live, time, thanks, media, love — 5 words I definitely live with. A great feature of this Tweetcloud web app is its use of Twitter’s OAuth API, which allows it to naturally index your friends as well.

Tweetcloud Andy Sternberg

My primary interests are all noted in the top words (see below), however, tweets of mine containing photos or links to songs would heavily boost the relevance of both photography and music. My top two adjectives are free and awesome, which would seem to indicate that I’m not only a cheapskate, but have the vocabulary of a 7th grader. My six-month tweetcloud differs slightly – Obama had already been inaugurated, not as much Cubs excitement.

What does your tweetcloud say about you?

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