Are Americans Ready to Appropriate More Tax to Public Transportation?

My favorite thing about is the polls on the right side of the home page. I’ve referenced them several times on this blog.

A poll this weekend definitely signaled a sign-of-the-times sea change in public opinion of your average visitor. Clearly influenced by the seemingly endless rise in prices at the pump, two-thirds of the 130,000 or so who answered the survey selected yes when asked if they’d support using more tax money to improve the public transit system. Note: it did say using more tax, not paying more tax, however, I believe that most people see the phrase “more tax” and think “outta my pockets.”

cnn poll public transportation tax

Here’s to hoping that this is a glimpse of a real sea change revealing a clear path for government to finally improve, build, and subsidize public transportation systems that could be critical to such vital assets as: our infrastructure; our expenses; our environment; our oil dependency; our local economies…

If the federal bias continues to be pro-war anti-infrastructure, there are several ways this can be dealt with on the state and local level.

Continue reading “Are Americans Ready to Appropriate More Tax to Public Transportation?”

Expo Line Project

Thanks to input on our forums, we’ve decided to change the title and URL of our Expo Line project. Alas, the original naming was the result of 30 seconds of name-shouting and URL-entering with little consideration of our intentions as a one-time project with a potentially endless lifespan on the Web. To learn more and discuss Los Angeles’ planned Exposition Line light rail from downtown to the sea, have a look.
