Aqua Teen Terror Force?!?

MeatwadWhile any number of illicit activities and emergencies broke out in Boston today — the entire city’s resources were put on call due to “suspicious devices.”

By 4:10 p.m. ET the perpetrator of the suspicious devices stepped forward:

Turner Broadcasting acknowledged late this afternoon that the suspicious packages that ignited fears of bombs across Boston today were magnetic lights that were part of an outdoor marketing campaign for an adult cartoon.

Turner was promoting Adult Swim’s animated television show “Aqua Teen Hunger Force.” They definitely got more pub than they could have possibly dreamed of. The long-awaited ATHF movie is set for March 23 release. Preview here.

In a statement, Turner revealed that the “packages” have been in place for weeks in Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, Portland, Austin, San Francisco, and Philadelphia.

I chuckle as I envision the terror that one Meatwad can unleash, but, seriously… how stupidly and hastily suspect and fear-filled can we Americans possibly get?

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