Obama vs. Clinton: V-O Day is Here. Or is It?

barack obama to clinch delegates but will Hillary Clinton Concede?The AP made the grave mistake last night of putting words in the mouth of the never-say-die Clinton campaign. She’ll acknowledge his undeniable clinching of the delegate total, but that is not the same as conceding the race. Not even suspending her vacuous money pit of a campaign as Mitt Romney did. Even Clinton’s campaign staffers are mincing their words. There is no question that this campaign season, extended to the final day of primaries (the 1 million or so registered voters in South Dakota and Montana) on Clinton’s insistence that SHE is the chosen one, will end only on her terms and nobody else’s. But will it end? And when? And how?

10 delegates to nomination for ObamaAccording to The AP delegate count, the race is already over. Victory Obama. A sweeping wave of superdelegate endorsements have finally tipped the scales and even more will announce tonight. In essence, the number 32 at right is all but irrelevant. Eleven state governors initially supported Clinton and now, as the good ol AP writes, will they flip the switch just like that?

What exactly is the Clinton campaign thinking? She’s not really still thinking about an RFK-like June surprise, one must hope.

Audio of Clinton and Obama speeches thanks to Dave Winer.

‘Independent’ Voters Can Participate in CA Democratic Primary

I’ve long refused to officially declare a party affiliation, if not primarily in protest to how ludicrous and homogeneous the two-party American political system is.

Now that I am completely comfortable with my choice for 2008, I finally went ahead and investigated whether or not “decline-to-state” voters can participate in California’s Feburary 5 Democratic primary. (Decline-to-state voters comprise nearly one-fifth of the state’s registered voters.) To my relief, a Google search led me to the following:

California Democrats have a different view of the proposed Feb. 5, 2008, presidential primary. Decline-to-state voters can simply request a Democratic ballot, either by mail or at the polls, and have their choice recorded alongside those of the party regulars.

On the contrary, the state Republican party will only accept votes from declared Republican voters.

Independence salvaged yet again!